Sacred Trek

TNG Parable 12 - Datalore

Episode Summary

Join the Sacred Trek as we discuss episode 12 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, entitled Datalore, through the spiritual lens of a parable with the potential for teaching us about ourselves and one another.

Episode Notes


Federation Council Members include: Karissa, Nicole, Becky, Mark, Nyssa, Cristina, and Kent


SYNOPSIS:  The Enterprise takes a moment aside on the way to their next mission in order to visit the planet where Data was discovered.  A good look around provides Mr. Data with flashes of memory he did not know he possessed; but more pivotally, it also provides a "brother."  The discovery of the disassembled android prompts Commander Riker and the crew to bring it aboard the Enterprise, where engineers, scientists, and Doctor Crusher work to reassemble this second Data.  When they do, he names himself Lore, and becomes eager to learn about his new surroundings.  Data notes it and Lore begins to show his hand: that he believes himself superior to the humans on the ship.  Despite finding a brother, who has many things to teach him about their father and the colonists, Data still pursues his ultimate goal of becoming more human, which Lore does not agree with.  Lore deactivates Data and takes his place, saying (in disguise) that it was Lore who attacked and that he cannot be trusted.  He summons the crystalline entity that destroyed the colony, leaving both Data and Lore stranded there, to the Enterprise, offering the ship's complement as the next meal for it.  But Wesley Crusher sees past the ruse and stands up on the bridge to say so, ultimately getting himself dismissed for speaking out of turn.  He takes his mother to Data's quarters, where they find their unconscious crewmate lying on the ground.  They reactivate him, learn of Lore's complete plan, and then set out to stop him.  Data and Wesley work together to defeat Lore and beam him into space.  Captain Picard admits that he should have listened to Wesley in the first place.  He and Riker affirm that Mr. Data may be the most human of them all.  But will Lore be heard from again?


Executive Producers:

Cristina Hartfield

Kent Altman


Original Star Trek Theme by Alexander Courage

Original Sacred Trek Themes by Kent Altman


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